Manuel Bustillo 85e1ec453e
Some checks failed
Run unit tests / copyright_notice (pull_request) Successful in 2m15s
Run unit tests / rubocop (pull_request) Successful in 2m31s
Run unit tests / check-licenses (pull_request) Successful in 2m46s
Run unit tests / unit_tests (pull_request) Successful in 4m11s
Run unit tests / build-static-assets (pull_request) Has been cancelled
Add copyright notice
2025-01-25 08:41:22 +00:00

62 lines
2.0 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2024 - 2025 LibreWeddingPlanner contributors
# Copyright (C) 2024-2025 LibreWeddingPlanner contributors
require_relative 'boot'
require 'rails'
# Pick the frameworks you want:
require 'active_model/railtie'
require 'active_job/railtie'
require 'active_record/railtie'
require 'active_storage/engine'
require 'action_controller/railtie'
require 'action_mailer/railtie'
require 'action_mailbox/engine'
require 'action_text/engine'
require 'action_view/railtie'
require 'action_cable/engine'
# require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
module WeddingPlanner
class Application < Rails::Application
# Initialize configuration defaults for originally generated Rails version.
config.load_defaults 7.1
# Please, add to the `ignore` list any other `lib` subdirectories that do
# not contain `.rb` files, or that should not be reloaded or eager loaded.
# Common ones are `templates`, `generators`, or `middleware`, for example.
config.autoload_lib(ignore: %w[assets tasks])
# Use a real queuing backend for Active Job (and separate queues per environment).
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :solid_queue
# Configuration for the application, engines, and railties goes here.
# These settings can be overridden in specific environments using the files
# in config/environments, which are processed later.
# config.time_zone = "Central Time (US & Canada)"
# config.eager_load_paths << Rails.root.join("extras")
# Don't generate system test files.
config.generators.system_tests = nil
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec,
fixtures: false,
view_specs: false,
helper_specs: false,
routing_specs: false,
request_specs: false,
controller_specs: false
config.generators.jbuilder = false