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2024-11-03 13:40:50 +01:00
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1
# Make sure RUBY_VERSION matches the Ruby version in .ruby-version and Gemfile
FROM registry.docker.com/library/ruby:$RUBY_VERSION-slim as base
# Rails app lives here
WORKDIR /rails
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nodejs
FROM base as build
# Install packages needed to build gems
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential git libpq-dev libvips pkg-config
# Install application gems
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
RUN bundle install
# Copy application code
COPY . .
# Final stage for app image
FROM base
# Install packages needed for deployment
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y curl libvips postgresql-client && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists /var/cache/apt/archives
# Copy built artifacts: gems, application
COPY --from=build /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle
COPY --from=build /rails /rails
# Entrypoint prepares the database.
ENTRYPOINT ["/rails/bin/docker-entrypoint"]
# Start the server by default, this can be overwritten at runtime
2024-11-03 13:53:36 +01:00
2024-11-03 13:40:50 +01:00
CMD ["./bin/rails", "server", "--binding="]