Manuel Bustillo 52fb808d45
Some checks failed
Playwright Tests / test (pull_request) Has been skipped
Check usage of free licenses / build-static-assets (pull_request) Failing after 34s
Add copyright notice / copyright_notice (pull_request) Failing after 34s
Define a dialog to configure the affinities between groups
2024-12-28 14:18:14 +01:00

105 lines
3.9 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2024 Manuel Bustillo*/
'use client';
import { AbstractApi } from '@/app/api/abstract-api';
import { Group, GroupSerializer } from '@/app/lib/group';
import { AdjustmentsHorizontalIcon, PencilIcon, TrashIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline';
import { Column } from 'primereact/column';
import { TreeNode } from 'primereact/treenode';
import { TreeTable } from 'primereact/treetable';
export default function GroupsTable({ groups, onUpdate, onEdit, onEditAffinities }: {
groups: Group[],
onUpdate: () => void,
onEdit: (group: Group) => void,
onEditAffinities: (group: Group) => void,
}) {
const api = new AbstractApi<Group>();
const serializer = new GroupSerializer();
const actions = (group: Group) => (
<div className="flex flex-row items-center">
<TrashIcon className='size-6 cursor-pointer' onClick={() => { api.destroy(serializer, group, onUpdate) }} />
<PencilIcon className='size-6 cursor-pointer' onClick={() => onEdit(group)} />
<AdjustmentsHorizontalIcon className='size-6 cursor-pointer' onClick={() => onEditAffinities(group)} />
const index = groups.reduce((acc, group) => {
if ( {
acc.set(, group)
return acc;
}, new Map());
groups.forEach(group => {
if (group.parentId) {
const parent = index.get(group.parentId);
if (parent) {
if (!parent.children) {
parent.children = [];
const renderTree = (group: Group): TreeNode => {
const childrenAttendance = (group.children || []).reduce((acc, child) => {
acc.confirmed += child.attendance?.confirmed || 0;
acc.tentative += child.attendance?.tentative || 0;
acc.invited += child.attendance?.invited || 0;
acc.declined += child.attendance?.declined || 0;
acc.considered += child.attendance?.considered || 0; += child.attendance?.total || 0;
return acc;
}, { confirmed: 0, tentative: 0, invited: 0, declined: 0, considered: 0, total: 0 });
return {
data: {
color: <div className="w-8 h-8 rounded-full" style={{ backgroundColor: group.color }} />,
confirmed: childrenAttendance.confirmed + (group.attendance?.confirmed || 0),
tentative: childrenAttendance.tentative + (group.attendance?.tentative || 0),
pending: childrenAttendance.invited + (group.attendance?.invited || 0),
declined: childrenAttendance.declined + (group.attendance?.declined || 0),
considered: childrenAttendance.considered + (group.attendance?.considered || 0),
total: + (group.attendance?.total || 0),
actions: actions(group),
children: group.children?.map(renderTree),
const nodes: TreeNode[] = groups
.filter(group => !group.parentId)
const headers = ['Name', 'Color', 'Confirmed', 'Tentative', 'Pending', 'Declined', 'Considered', 'Total', 'Actions'];
const rowClassName = () => {
return { 'border-b odd:bg-white even:bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-100': true };
return (
<TreeTable value={nodes} rowClassName={rowClassName} className='py-4'>
<Column expander field="name" header="Name" className='w-2/5' />
<Column field="color" header="Color" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="confirmed" header="Confirmed" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="tentative" header="Tentative" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="pending" header="Pending" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="declined" header="Declined" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="considered" header="Considered" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="total" header="Total" bodyClassName="text-sm" />
<Column field="actions" header="Actions" />